October Quiz Messages

We talk about Him. We think about Him. We read about Him, what He did, what He was, how He lived, what kind of a works He did, and then forget about it. Do you realize that He is with us, not only with us, but in us? Oh, how I think that!

September Quiz Messages

Now you know that Scripture is made plain, don’t let the veil of flesh now bother you, see. Remember, it’s the promised Word of today. How many understands it? The promised Word

August Quiz Messages

"The Gospel came not in Word only, but through power and manifestation of the Word." That’s what the writer said, "Power and manifestation." In other words, "The Word, vindicated, is the Gospel," see, Mark 16.

July Quiz Messages

“The Rock and the water followed Israel.” Followed them! Wherever they went, It went, too.

June Quiz Messages

And, as He went up, He broke every devil power that holds over man. He ascended on High, and give gifts to man, the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The Mighty Conqueror!

The Feed
4/77:00 AM

Feedback from Theo's TestimonyMy mommy heart rejoices as I read this testimony. This is fuel to feed my faith as I pray and believe for my little boy. It is just what I needed. God Bless you sister!

4/68:00 AM

It's Brother Branham's birthday and Cub Corner posted a new Happy and Gramps video! Check it out on the Audio/Video page.

4/57:00 AM

A young sister from Brazil sent her blessings and this neat picture that she created.

4/37:00 AM

Creations: In honor of the Supernatural Cloud, my little Bible Heroes took part in the Cloud craft that was posted. They enjoyed it and had such a great time.

3/317:00 AM

Seven Seals Study: Oh my! I don’t know where to start. Glorious Day! What Christ did for us! Listening to these Seals in this season. What an anointing! The presence of God so real. I never really understood much of the Seals. But in this season it was made crystal clear. So real! Thank God for His Prophet! Thank God He showed me His Word and revealed Himself to me in this day. Thank God I am free! Thank you Bro Joseph for the inspiration and leadership. God bless all my brothers and sisters. For the first time in my life I really understand who I really am. I am so happy! I am learning to love the Lord and His Word more and more!

3/297:00 AM

Seven Seals Study: The young ones have been doing so awesome listening to these Seals. After Saturday service, my 10 year old son said, "I went blank. My cup got full. So I just asked God for another cup and started filling another one."

4.77:00 AM

Feedback from Theo's TestimonyMy mommy heart rejoices as I read this testimony. This is fuel to feed my faith as I pray and believe for my little boy. It is just what I needed. God Bless you sister!

4.68:00 AM

It's Brother Branham's birthday and Cub Corner posted a new Happy and Gramps video! Check it out on the Audio/Video page.

4.57:00 AM

A young sister from Brazil sent her blessings and this neat picture that she created.

4.37:00 AM

Creations: In honor of the Supernatural Cloud, my little Bible Heroes took part in the Cloud craft that was posted. They enjoyed it and had such a great time.

3.317:00 AM

Seven Seals Study: Oh my! I don’t know where to start. Glorious Day! What Christ did for us! Listening to these Seals in this season. What an anointing! The presence of God so real. I never really understood much of the Seals. But in this season it was made crystal clear. So real! Thank God for His Prophet! Thank God He showed me His Word and revealed Himself to me in this day. Thank God I am free! Thank you Bro Joseph for the inspiration and leadership. God bless all my brothers and sisters. For the first time in my life I really understand who I really am. I am so happy! I am learning to love the Lord and His Word more and more!

3.297:00 AM

Seven Seals Study: The young ones have been doing so awesome listening to these Seals. After Saturday service, my 10 year old son said, "I went blank. My cup got full. So I just asked God for another cup and started filling another one."

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