54-0404E God Has A Provided Way

The Foundation Quiz


Due: Friday, January 31, 2025

Brother Branham said, "And when you feature Jesus Christ, you feature _______."
A carefree life
Divine healing
You can come to God without God calling you, first. You can seek God without God seeking you, first.
"He has a provided way of approach to Him. He has a provided way of escape. And He has a provided way for everything we have need of. If we can only ______________, then we’re sure to get it."
Live clean and holy
Find that way God has provided
Focus and study hard
Find our own way now
On what night of the meetings did Brother Branham say there are usually more people healed?
The second night
The first night
The last night
The night after the meetings
"Hide God’s Word away in your heart, and then God will ___________."
Reward you abundantly
Save your soul
Keep that Word
Heal your sick body
How old was Isaac when God spoke to Abraham and told him to take him up on the mountain, and offer him up, and kill him?
Twelve years old
About sixteen or seventeen years old
Fourteen or fifteen years old
Eleven years old
God permits you sometimes to get a little worse after you’re prayed for, just to test you.
"And Israel, when they were down in Egypt, they were in bondage and in trouble, and they begin to cry to God for deliverance. Notice, the way God will provide is when we’re _______."
Living right
Doubting His Word
Deep in sin
In God’s Word
When deliverance was brought to Israel, they failed to recognize it, and refused it. How many more years did they have to suffer?
When God provided water for Israel in the wilderness, how much water was pouring out of a rock in a dry desert to water all of their cattle?
Thousands of gallons per hour
Hundreds of gallons per minute
Thousands of gallons per second
A few liters an hour
Which is more of a miracle, for God to save a sinner, or for God to heal the sick?
To save a sinner
To heal the sick
Both are equally a miracle
Neither is a miracle
Which Book of the Bible was Brother Branham talking about when he said, "That’s one of the most greatest stories in there, of a type of Christ, in all the Old Testament"?
Where did Brother Branham say was the only place that people ever got up and went out while he was preaching?
Jeffersonville, Indiana
Phoenix, Arizona
Louisville, Kentucky
Shreveport, Louisiana
Jesus said, "A prophet is not without _______ except among his own people, his own county."
How many of the seven compound redemptive names laid in Jesus Christ?
All of the seven
"God has a provided way here tonight; not through church, not through theology. But through _______, will lead you to God’s provided way of your sanctification, the healing of your body, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, to joy, peace, and everything you have need of."
The Holy Spirit
Godly teachers
Ministers of the Gospel
"Just in the _______ of the moment, then Jesus comes along.”
After Brother Branham prayed for a dying baby, how soon did Brother Branham tell the mother she would find a difference in the child?
In an hour
In a year
In the next few days
In the next twenty-four hours
What is a miracle?
Something that’s not understood
Something that’s unpredictable
Something that’s incredible but true
Something that’s impossible
"Well, then, if this be God’s vindicated Truth, hear me. Lay your hands over on each other, while I pray for you. And I want every person in here now to _______."
Praise the Lord
Rebuke the enemy
Accept your healing
Deny your symptoms