
54-0329 Redemption By Power

When, you see the Church going in this great exodus, see the Pillar of Fire leading before us; standing, performing miracles and signs. He is here, tonight, in all His redeeming power. He is here to make whole, every sinner, to take back every backslider. He is here to heal every sick person.

Sermon Info

  • Date: Monday, 54-0329
  • Location: Louisville, KY
  • Duration: 1 hr and 19 min
  • Scripture: Exodus 12:10-11
Redemption By Power
Scores will be accepted until Friday, January 31, 2025
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"What a marvelous _______ of God’s love to us, He would unfold Himself and come down and dwell in _______, in order to take away sin and sickness from the human race, and redeem us back to the Father."
It’s a Greek word that means, "God’s Own Life."
That’s the good thing about the old-time religion. It just ___________.
In Genesis, God made the sun first, and the moon next. What do they represent?
How long did Brother Branham preach on Job one time?
_______ was the last enemy that struck Egypt. And the last enemy that’s going to strike the church now is _______, spiritually speaking.
Before the children of Israel could eat the lamb, it had to be cooked with fire. What does fire represent?
"When you begin to feel like you’re slacking, or the devil says, ‘It’s no use,’ reach down and tighten up the __________ a little bit; pull up the ____________ a little tighter in the hand, and ___________. I like that, be ready for the march."
Who was the Angel of the Covenant that followed Israel and guided them to the promised land?
Brother Branham said, "I’d rather have a little _______ than to set still and do nothing."
If you don’t make mistakes, you’re not doing nothing.
Where did Christ take the stinger out of death?
The Angel of God is standing between every individual here and the enemy.
"God sends ministers that preach the Gospel. He sends signs and wonders among men, to a vindicate It to be the Truth; and men reject It, there’s nothing left but _______ for you."
As Brother Branham was watching the big magnet pass by in Hammond, Indiana, there were a lot of aluminum shavings left because they weren’t magnetized to the magnet. Why didn't the piece of iron go?
"You are now the sons of God. Now are we sitting together in _______."
"When, you see the Church going in this great ______, see the _______ leading before us; standing, performing miracles and signs. He is here, tonight, in all His redeeming power. He is here to make whole, every sinner, to take back every backslider. He is here to heal every sick person."
"He is the full Gospel. And we preach the full Gospel; eat the whole Lamb. Roast It with the Holy Ghost, and know that It’s good eating, for the Holy Spirit has divined to us that It is real good. '_______, the Lord is good. It tastes like honey in the rock.'"
"I don’t care what you’ve done, how black your sins are, how smutty your life is; God is standing, tonight, knocking at your heart’s door, to _______, no matter who you are."
Where was Brother Branham when the Angel of the Lord met him and said, "If you’ll be sincere, get the people to believe you, nothing shall stand before the prayer"?

If you would like to participate in our online quiz and send your results to Young Foundations, please type in your full name and age below and click the "Check & Submit Answers" button. Only those between the ages of 0-28 who are logged in with their YF ID# will receive points and have their names posted on the quiz results page.

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54-0329 Quiz Results

Here are the current quiz results for Redemption By Power. Anyone taking the quiz after Friday, January 31, 2025 will not have their score posted.

« Wyanita Cook »9521
Aaleah Brown10015
Abel Tshivuadi10010
Abigail Banzadio1009
Abigail Farrie10010
Abigail Garcia10015
Abigail Kenworthy10018
Abisai Paez10023
Abraham Cardozo9510
Abraham Yockoyocko10027
Acacia Tati Oneay956
Adam Connell9514
Adekunle Ebunoluwa9513
Adina Strite1005
Adino Andries1007
Adona Mackson1006
Afanwi Che9513
Alayna Cook9511
Alayna Wittmeier9511
Alba Sánchez10028
Albert Enock10019
Aleah Davis10010
Alégresse Aboto Ngwa10014
Alejandra Valeria Rubio Fregoso10013
Alex Tsoumou10016
Alice Repass1009
Alicia Hamilton10010
Aline Jiménez10018
Alliance Massamba10012
Allison Sanger10015
Alpha Diallo Sow9515
Alvie Loemba10012
Alyssa Abernethy9013
Amber Dickson1007
Amber Repass10012
Amelie Polanco Rivas10011
Amira Ikouadja1008
Amram Joseph Smith1006
Amy Cook9517
Ana Dos Santos9513
Ana Pemo9525
Anahi Villalba Piñanez10016
Anaïse Tsoumou10018
Andrew Bomberger10028
Andrew Farrie9516
Ange Berenice Yakam1005
Ange Essama Owona10016
Angel Joseph10017
Angela Montaño9516
Angelica Halley10011
Angelo Clerger10015
Ann Muthungu9528
Anne Adande10016
Annesophie Deschaines952
Antipas Asaka10014
Archange Babela10013
Areli Sanchez10014
Asnat Mukeba9513
Asongwhing Seth Ngong1003
Ava Repass1007
Ava Toy10018
Awa Abdou10024
Awa Medibe951
Aza Smith9514
Baraka Alexander9014
Baraka Kinyua9512
Bartolome Edu Abegue9018
Bella Jackson10015
Benaiah Halverson10011
Benaiah Strite1007
Bénédicte Toko10018
Bénédiction Mutwedu9518
Béni Mialebama10016
Bénie Mbielingo9518
Benjamin Cardozo1006
Benjamin Sanger10011
Benjamin Silva1006
Bérénice Abega Mouer1005
Bernado Jay9521
Berryl Akiambong1006
Betty Nkounkou10010
Beulah Rains853
Billy Cizemba1008
Billy Cleopas10017
Billy Nzouanda10013
Billyden Rutechura9011
Billypaul Dickson1008
Blanche Mialebama10013
Boaz Gichunge9515
Bonheur Buttin10010
Bosworth Banda10012
Brayanne Mafoua10011
Bridie Kalwara9520
Caleb Dihoulou10012
Caleb Tshivuadi10012
Camila Martinez Sosa1008
Camila Villalba Piñanez10012
Camille Dos Santos9520
Candice Abega1007
Carisa Masango952
Carlos Muller10016
Casimiro Wehenga8017
Cassandra Noëljeune10022
Celestin Mukendi10024
César Huezo Ayala10020
Channah Katalayi9517
Charity Polepole9526
Charity Rains955
Charlie Farrie9523
Chaste Rubingisa1005
Chris Sitou10013
Chris Tshimungu9519
Christ Bassoukissina9521
Christ Foja10010
Christevie Tsoumou10010
Christian Banzadio Jr10010
Christian Dexter9515
Christianne Kongo9011
Christie Cizemba1002
Christy Thorson9514
Clem Sitou10010
Colombe Dihoulouk957
Colombe Nzoussi10015
Couronne Djembie958
Cynthia Maketo1008
Damaris Barratt1009
Daniel Macheza10021
Daniel Ndungu9528
Daniel Nguempio9010
Daniel Onana10011
Daniel Respect1008
Daniel Tshivuadi9516
Danielly Bouka Vanga10019
Danley Wagnac10010
Danny Sanger10017
Davi Dos Santos Primak9510
Davi Pawelski Garcia9514
David Hagmann9512
David Macheza10023
David Mba Priego10018
David Saël1008
David Telou10012
Dayana Moussolo10012
Débora Mialebama10014
Deborah Aok10017
Deborah Kambani9516
Déborah Rose Smelalda Voltaire1005
Désire Mialebama10017
Diol Bea10026
Dioll Lobango1008
Divine Moubolou Kombila10012
Divine Ndoli10017
Dominic Gallegos9515
Dominic Nyandoro9526
Dorcas Ndouma9522
Dorose Diambela Kaya1009
Douanla Precious9510
Dove Nguem10014
Ebi Joshua D10013
Eden Joel D1008
Elane Gomes9519
Elange Tshingej10012
Elchanan Gallo Siéwé10018
Elhanan Masungo9020
Eliakim Joseph Favero9513
Eliana De Souza1009
Eliana Milner10014
Elías Samaniego Piñanez1005
Élie Sow9513
Eliel De Souza9011
Eliezer Banda1008
Eliezer Kores10022
Eliezer Seke9512
Elihu Nitche9510
Elijah Andre9511
Elijah Matanda9522
Elijahbill Nguem Nguem10016
Elikana Ocholah9028
Elise Rotsch10019
Elizabeth Diaz Marin8024
Ella Daulton10017
Ella Saidi9526
Ella Smith9512
Emelda Nyumba9515
Emely Espana9019
Emelyn Benedith Mendoza8522
Émilienne Nkondje10020
Emmanuel Jimu8522
Emmanuel Makoto9514
Emmanuel Mavoungou10021
Emmanuel Momo10016
Emmanuel Nkondje10015
Emmanuelle Ndoli9518
Enoc Houanfe9513
Enoc Valencia10012
Enoch Lemediak959
Enoch Pambou10012
Enos Mafuke9522
Ephraïm Mananga1007
Erick Kayembe9525
Esaie Israël10018
Esmeralda Jiménez Montoya9514
Espoir Ngoma10019
Ester Munema Tshibangu9014
Ester Polanco Rivas1006
Esther Banda1007
Esther Caicedo Lopez9522
Esther Marima9527
Esther Mbelu9514
Esther Mokili10027
Esther Nkondje10011
Esther Nzouanda9516
Estherh Amatcha1007
Ethan Chilambe952
Eunice Abega Nkoulou10010
Evelyn Nohemy Alas10021
Exaucée Ilunga10022
Exaucée Pouna Nzaou1003
Ezekiel Garcia1009
Ezra Daulton10013
Ezra Garcia1003
Ezra Lunsford903
Faith Macheza10020
Faith Mackson10010
Faith Thorson10020
Febe Rodríguez Rosero10014
Félicité Pito9524
Fernando Perez9511
Fidèle Nkondje10013
Fomefo Clarisse909
Francisco José Jamba9513
Franck Hervé Nkondje10018
Gabriel Branham Okwa Mbaa902
Gabriel Wittmeier10015
Gabriella Landrum10021
Gabrielle Basraj10012
Gédéon Dihoulou10010
Gédéon Kepko10016
Gemima Nsamba10017
Gemima Zoa10019
Génesis Morales9519
Geneva Adzome8012
Genia Barber10015
Geofrey Metugmabwe10024
Geremie Babissi10014
Gerssey Tchicaya1007
Gideon Cook9528
Gideon Strite1002
Gloire Mafoua10012
Gloire Toko1008
Gloria Bintu9513
Gloria Dowati9518
Gloriana Likibi9519
Glory Malonda10019
Godefroy Akena Zambe10011
Grâce Babay Walela9518
Grâce Djembie9514
Grace Gutierrez9512
Grace Kedy Bounanghan9513
Grace Milner9522
Grace Mwepu9513
Grace Newman8513
Grâce Okoumoné10015
Grace Paul10016
Grace Tshibemba9520
Gracious Cleopas1009
Greis Yanez9518
Hadassah Balbosa8015
Hannah Hunt10017
Hattie Cizemba10010
Hatty Polanco Rivas1009
Hazel Nanguwo10018
Hebert Ferrer Adames1008
Heidi Thorson10018
Helena Neema10026
Henry Salinas Banegas1001
Hope Kasongo10024
Hope Makoto957
Hope Malala9523
Hope Theuri9015
Hope Tsimba10013
Horeb Rodriguez10011
Innocent Kiwara10026
Isaac Ndoli10021
Isaac Yakam1001
Isaac Zuango10027
Isabella Silva954
Israël Bassilekin Wehoel1003
Israel Rotsch8514
Jackson Borders8514
Janet Zavala10020
Jean Sissoko10011
Jeannettecie Sadidimo9519
Jehoiada Barratt10015
Jeremiah Andre1007
Jeremiah Banda9510
Jeremias Gutiérrez10011
Jeremie Pambou10014
Jérémie Tshitenge9526
Jérémie Yonkam10020
Jeremy Polanco Rivas10013
Jeshurum Chenwi1009
Jess Edison1005
Jezaiah Halverson906
Jhonatas Oliveira9512
Jireh Andries9519
Joao Zoe9012
Jobregal Wallace1007
Joe Billy Mwinkeu9526
Johanna Boodoo10023
Johanna Sandovál Sánchez9528
Johanna Sanger1001
Joheli España10018
John Brown1006
John Halley1009
Johseph Amatcha10012
Jonah Dickson10014
Jonah Dondo9521
Jonas Dos Santos Primak8516
Jonathan Bapinga10023
Jonathan Benjamin Muleba9511
Jonathan Davis10013
Jonathan Garcia10022
Jonathan Hofisi10016
Jonathan Saël1006
José Fosso9512
José Polanco Rivas10015
José Sadrac Paez10019
Joseline Manda Mouetoua9519
Joseph Aok1007
Joseph Chavez Morales10016
Joseph Dinabo957
Joseph Jeremiah Gallegos9013
Joseph Karanja10022
Joseph Marrion Yakam1006
Joseph Mountou10012
Joseph Muchai8010
Joseph Ngampana9517
Joseph Percéveré9514
Joseph Pierre10011
Joseph Tsoumou10012
Joseph William Mayaka10011
Josepha Fopa9010
Joséphine Muleba9512
Josephson Clerger1007
Joshua Halley8514
Joshua Rains10013
Joshua Theuri9017
Joshua Wolters8515
Josue Ceballos10018
Josué Dihoulou10012
Josué Djevou9523
Juan Rondon Gallardo9511
Jubilé Telou1008
Jubilee Barratt10011
Judá Jimenéz Montoya10016
Jude Mboula9523
Judson Chedric1005
Junior Nkou10012
Justine Toualeu1000
Karelle Mvouama10022
Kashoba Abel8527
Keren Tshimanga9523
Kesia Furmann10018
Kethia Mavoungou10010
Kethia Samba10014
Kevin Aquino Quiñonez9019
Kimia Mbielingo959
Kishana Amissah8526
Koé Olinga Koé1000
Kuchinevie Samuel955
Kudiva Samuel10010
La Daronne Buttin1007
La Perle Buttin1007
Lagrâce Ngaffo9015
Lamech Branham10018
Landry Nombo1006
Larissa Alves Teixeira9514
Larosée Okoumone10018
Laura Cogdill9516
Leah Ruhter8512
Léon Bouanga10015
Lerina Mputu9525
Lesleigh Van Heerden9522
Levi Hare10019
Levi Kenworthy9011
Lídia Lobato10022
Light Cleopas10017
Lilia Toy10017
Lily Rowland908
Linda Rodriguez Ordieres9014
Lois Antwi10015
Loïs Ikouadja1006
Lord Ikouadja10012
Louanges Djembie9511
Loudine Dumezil1003
Lucas Maboumba9512
Luckson Chilambe956
Lumière Laviede9515
Lys Désirée Cizemba955
Lys Moussavou10013
Lys Tshivuadi10015
Maïmouna Soul10015
Maixent Biyoudintsana10028
Malachi Dexter10013
Malachi Riehl10013
Manassé Janvier9523
Maria Gutierrez10020
María Gutiérrez Rivas10014
María Luisa Aute Motú9519
Maria Sheriff9525
Marian Jocabed Rodriguez Rosero1004
Marie Précieuse Vangu10019
Marié Rachel10015
Marie Um10017
Marie Zoa Biba1008
Maripaz Kuku Mangue9520
Mark Gichuki9515
Marrion Dihoulou10010
Marrion Masango1006
Marrion Pambou1009
Martin Dogbe10025
Mathews Sichela9519
Mathews Simbeye9525
Maurice Dieudonné Poes1009
Mawunyo Gossou10019
Meda Amelia Mayaka1008
Meda Bosaba10019
Meda Fouomekong1002
Meda Nzouanda9519
Meda Nzoussi10013
Meda Toko9516
Meda Tshiteya10019
Melki Von Djono9512
Mélodie Ruth Bokapa Mokoko1001
Mengong Esther10012
Mercy Tenguem1007
Merphy Allegresse Nkouka10026
Merveille Foja956
Messie Révélé Egreba1009
Micaiah Brown10013
Micaiah Halverson10014
Michael Benga Nkengue1003
Michael Ojowa9510
Milka Mitewu Ngalula8519
Miriam Banegas Osorto10020
Miryam Pierre9013
Moise Kalamba1009
Moïse Nkondje958
Moneth Davis10023
Moses Barratt10013
Mukundi Makoto955
Naomie Pambou10024
Natanael Oliveira10016
Natanael Pierre10015
Nathan Barber9517
Nathan David1009
Nathan Kepko10010
Nathan Tchounou1008
Nathanaël Nda Zambe10016
Nautresor Makosso10020
Ndangang Joseph Shobi10018
Ndem Zoé10017
Nehemiah Goad10012
Néhémie Paul10014
Neville Mutombo9521
Ngongwhig Ngong1001
Ninela Mavoungou10014
Nissi Shammah Vangu10021
Nkoum Samuel1005
Noah Harvey10019
Obie Halverson959
Olive Mpika9516
Olivia Brown10012
Olivier Makaya10013
Ophelia Brown1004
Oracle Toko10019
Orman Neville Vangu10023
Pablo Léon10021
Paola Bouanga1008
Paradoxe Nzoussi10018
Patience Garande9021
Peter Mwangi10020
Peter Waithaka9522
Phaltiel Kinoti9514
Phillip Jackson9516
Phinees Djembie9511
Pierre Sissoko10016
Pierrette Fouomekong9516
Praise Katuga9511
Précieuse Lukusa8513
Prince Rescapé Vangu10011
Princesse Madeleine Nehanen9515
Princesse Nkondi10012
Priscilla Brown9518
Priscillia Mimpeh Nkengue1004
Prodige Tekele10024
Promise Topola9023
Prosper Makiwa9518
Purvianve Mavoungou10013
Rachel Chavungama1007
Rachel Marimwe10019
Rachelle Bandoki10013
Raoul Ngounou Sonkong10027
Rebeca Gutiérrez Rivas9512
Rebeca Ionescu9519
Rebecca Andre10015
Rebecca Banzadio956
Rebecca Chavungama1008
Rebecca Nzouanda10021
Rebecca Pierre8517
Rebecca Tsoumou1007
Rebekah Andries1007
Rebekah Ayianduma9521
Rebekah Samaniego Piñanez1002
Reine Dimbou9512
Renate Thorsen10025
René Gutiérrez Rivas9510
Rhoda Wallace1009
Rhuth Amatcha9510
Ricardo Baeza Cárdenas9020
Rose Michelle Saël10027
Rosiana Ngungu1004
Ruben Bouyou10011
Rubiedove Cleopas10012
Ruth Banda9526
Ruth Gavanga9520
Ruth Léon10016
Ruth Marimwe10017
Ruth Muchai9022
Ruth Nachela9525
Ruth Nanguwo10025
Ruth Respect Aok10015
Rylan Hunt10011
Saah Awawah10011
Saah Beshia10013
Salem Mutambo10017
Salem Ndoli10011
Samara Choguya1006
Samios Antonio9526
Samuel Amram Rodriguez Rosero1004
Samuel Ceballos10014
Samuel Dickson9513
Samuel Oyilagu10025
Samuel Villalba Piñanez1006
Samy Tshingej9522
Santiago Rincón10013
Sara Gutiérrez10018
Sarah Amatcha10014
Sarah Hope Mayaka1006
Sarah Mfangavo10027
Sarah Nkounkou Loukanda1004
Sarah Sarah9015
Sarah Wallace10012
Sebastian Paunescu10021
Sefora Leon10020
Sentia Léandre10011
Sephora Andegue9522
Sephora Mananga10011
Serenah Sanger958
Seth Jackson9520
Shadrack Odhiambo9020
Shamah Bouyou1007
Sharon Bemputa9012
Sharon Nyandoro9520
Sharon Rose Dihoulou10014
Sharon Rose Mayaka9013
Sharrit Mbuyamba10016
Shekinah Masango10013
Sheniah Hamilton10021
Shiloh Marima1008
Shiphrah Polepole10025
Silas Dickson10010
Silas Thorson9512
Siméon Salomon Ngalou9524
Simphe Routouroutou9527
Sipiwe Siamaluba9026
Sonelson Vilsaint10015
Stany Diambele Guindou Okia10021
Stella Koumou10012
Stephen William Tenguem Bongni1000
Symphonie Djembie956
Symphonie Mbole1008
Tabitha Kimuyu955
Tadala Nanguwo10022
Tadiwanashe Musharu8022
Talandira Saidi9517
Talla Blessing1008
Talla Rebecca956
Tchidjo Tsiaze Hilkija10015
Tejranie Gomes10018
Tenguem Lily953
Terence Rubingisa10013
Terrilynn Cook9514
Thembinkosi Chundu8522
Thérèsa Manassé10021
Theresia Tsambou10026
Tinotenda Shangarai9017
Tiwa Asaph10013
Tiwa Jefferson957
Ulrich Mitela9014
Vainquer Kalamba10013
Valerie Ray10016
Valois Rubingisa10016
Venceslas Yoka Ngoyikonda10028
Vertueuse Nzoussi10016
Victoire Kasongo10015
Victoire Nkondje10017
Victor Luis Miranda9515
Victor Masungo9516
Victor Moussolo1007
Victor Santos9513
Victoria Massamba954
Vitória Irik Caetano Costa10016
Welima Asonglia10015
Wesley Polanco Rivas1004
Willia Mouwembe Mouboudy9519
William Chavez Morales10014
William Chavez Morales10019
William Kenworthy10012
William Nkombo10016
William Owusu9512
William Pierre9514
Wonderful Vangu10017
Wooddjiny Chedirck1003
Yohan Kepko1007
Zach Sanger10014
Zachariah Kenworthy10014
Zagabe Fikiri10014
Zavier Hunt1008
Zelie Cyurimpundu10011
Zelie Kainda9525
Zion Masango10011
Zivanai Irikidzai9519
Zoe Banzadio10012
Zoe Rosella Ayeni9527